Multiple Diagnoses: What Does It Mean?
View a recording of a live webinar for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and professionals in the community concerning multiple diagnoses.
לייענען מערView a recording of a live webinar for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and professionals in the community concerning multiple diagnoses.
לייענען מערIn this workshop, we will discuss the definition of bullying, different types of bullying, how to recognize the warning signs and what YOU can do to help!
לייענען מערWe will discuss how the Supported Decision Making Agreement can be a less restrictive and empowering alternative to guardianship.
לייענען מערIn this webinar, we will discuss skills for effective advocacy, how you can make a difference and how to teach your child to advocate for themselves.
לייענען מערYou will hear an overview of ACCES-VR, including the description of Pre-Employment Transition Services, available for students with disabilities ages 14 and up.
לייענען מערStart a meaningful career where you can empower people with intellectual and developmental disabilities! Join us on אקטאבער 30th for open interviews from 10AM-3PM at 1200A Scottsville Road, Rochester, NY!
לייענען מערMeet and interact with local providers who offer services supporting successful transition to adulthood for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities! Our Transition Expo will improve outcomes for students ages
לייענען מערMeet and interact with local providers who offer services supporting successful transition to adulthood for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities! Our Transition Expo will improve outcomes for students ages
לייענען מערTarget Audience: Professionals who support people with I/DD. Topics to Be Discussed: Overview of HHCC with PCS, OPWDD Eligibility, services & supports, Referral Process and live Q&A. Date & Time:
לייענען מערTarget Audience: Parents/caregivers of children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) ages 5-22. Topics to Be Discussed: Overview of HHCC with PCS, OPWDD Eligibility, services & supports, Referral Process and live
לייענען מער