June 20, 2022
Remington Finds Success as an Archer
With Care Coordination support, Remington Chapman is pursuing a new skill.

When a friend at his day program inspired Remington Chapman to consider archery lessons, he knew to go straight to his Care Coordinator, Eileen Burns. Within a week, Eileen had Remington set to start classes with Ron Bergum from Ron’s Archery Range at Evan’s Junior Olympics.
Remington is now an official part of USA Archery. In March, he attended a three-day event in West Falls where he scored only three points below his instructor. Remington had only taken a few lessons before this competition. His instructor, Ron, has been an archer since the age of four, so this was an extraordinary accomplishment for Remington!
Shortly after attending this event, Remington participated in the New York State Indoor Championship at the West Falls Conservation Club. As an added benefit of starting archery lessons, Remington also rekindled a high school friendship with someone who now takes archery lessons with Remington each week.
Eileen was excited to visit Remington at one of his lessons. Remington asked his instructor if he could show Eileen how to use his compound bow. Remington was able to teach Eileen a new skill after only two months of lessons! Eileen is eager to see how he continues to progress in the sport and to support him on his journey.