April 19, 2022
Transition Services Virtual Expo 2022
Meet and interact with local providers who offer services supporting successful transition to adulthood for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities!

Register now for our Transition Services Virtual Expo 2022! We invite transition-age students (14-21 years old) and their families, as well as Special Education personnel and Care Coordinators, to tune into this opportunity to interact with local providers.
Don’t miss this chance for collaboration, education, and networking. Sign up today for one of three free virtual fairs:
Tuesday, May 24, 6PM-8PM
Western Region (Niagara, Erie, Orleans, Genesee, and Wyoming): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82542441518?pwd=TWFNWWRaVGpkZ1lUSHVlVXA1VXMvZz09
Wednesday, May 25, 6PM-8PM
Eastern Region (Monroe, Ontario, Seneca, Cayuga, Wayne): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88183549460?pwd=aHE3bVQxVnhrQUtaV0NvZVkzVHRndz09
Thursday, May 26, 6PM-8PM
Southern Tier (Chemung, Steuben, Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Livingston, Schuyler, Yates): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87693345641?pwd=ck5WYnc1TFRnSTAwdjQ5SW5tbjMrZz09