October 21, 2024
Who Is Your All-Star?
Nominate someone extraordinary for recognition as a Person Centered Services All-Star! Please submit your nomination by October 31st.

Do you, does your family member, or does someone you know receive support from a Care Coordinator at Person Centered Services who should be recognized?
Maybe you’re a provider who wants to spotlight a Care Coordinator you’ve collaborated with to improve the quality of life for someone you serve together?
If your Care Coordinator has been particularly helpful or successful with the transition from high school, realizing the benefits of a self-direction program or addressing other unique needs of someone with an intellectual and developmental disability, we want to know!
To nominate someone to be recognized as a Person Centered Services All-Star, read the details below and complete the Nomination Form by October 31st.
Requirements & Deadline:
– Our members who are identified in a nomination must submit a Photo and Info Authorization Form along with their nomination. Click here to access a fillable form.
– Nominations must be submitted by October 31, 2024. Send in your nomination today!
– The Person Centered Services All-Star Team will be announced in December 2024.
If you have any questions about the nomination process, please contact John Moscato, Director of Marketing & Communications, at jmoscato@personcenteredservices.com.