August 17, 2021
Community is Key for Trenton and His Family
An individual we serve is empowered by both Care Coordination and the kindness of his neighbors.

Community is critical during challenging times. A family Person Centered Services supports has found just how caring and resourceful their neighbors are.
Trenton is a 12-year-old boy with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a terminal disease. During this past year, Trenton broke his leg and found himself in a wheelchair. Due to his condition, his body has weakened and he is now unable to leave his wheelchair on his own.
Trenton’s family has worked for years to purchase a wheelchair-accessible home, knowing that Trenton would permanently be in a wheelchair one day. Not having a home where Trent could maneuver around was very hard on them. The family had to get rid of their couch to make room for Trenton to keep a recliner in the living room, where he lived for months. During this time, Melissa Dille, Trenton’s Care Coordinator through Person Centered Services, made many calls to help the family improve their housing situation.
A GoFundMe page was created to raise money for a new home for Trenton. The family also held a fundraiser to find the resources they required. Melissa Dille and her husband helped support the cause. Ultimately, the entire community rallied together and were able to come up with enough money for a down payment on a new wheelchair-accessible house!
“The day the house was delivered was an amazing day for Trenton and his family.” says Melissa. “Trenton’s face lit up like the Fourth of July!”
Though Trenton now had a home that could accommodate his wheelchair, Trenton’s family did not have a vehicle that met their needs.
Transportation to appointments was very difficult since Trenton’s wheelchair did not fit into the family’s van.
An anonymous caller contacted the West Herr car dealership in Orchard Park and shared Trenton’s story. In response, West Herr donated a wheelchair-ready van to the family! Trenton’s mother received a call from the car dealership and was overwhelmed by the generosity.
Trenton now has an accessible home and an accessible van for his long journeys to medical appointments. The family also receives reimbursement for medical mileage through Melissa’s Care Coordination assistance.
Shortly after the family received their new van, Trenton became even weaker and could no longer wheel himself in his chair. Melissa had helped the family connect to Medicaid and find an HMO that covered medical equipment. Because of her support, Trenton has received a new power chair and a hospital bed for his room within the past months.
“Trenton is an inspiration to all,” says Melissa. “He is so happy and cheerful. He is a one of a kind, amazing little man and I am so thankful to be part of his journey!”
Care Coordinators like Melissa Dille are committed to empowering families and connecting people to the care, support and opportunities that maximize their quality of life. Person Centered Services is grateful to join the supportive community that has helped Trenton and his family find the resources they need.