August 2, 2021
Hans Conducts a Symphony
A young man we serve expresses his love for classical music.

At only 14 years old, Hans has developed a deep love for classical music. His teacher at Corning-Painted Post has been very supportive of the young man’s passion. At the end of the past school year, she arranged for Hans to conduct a symphony from his favorite composer, Antonin Dvorak. Classmates sat in front of Hans on the auditorium stage, as if he was conducting them to perform the piece. The music was broadcast through the school’s PA system.
Person Centered Services is proud to support Hans and his family, empowering them as they pursue programs and services that help Hans reach his full potential. Hans is served by Care Coordinator Jennifer Chissom, who connects him to resources and opportunities that support his goals.
“Hans is a young man who has a quest for knowledge of all things that interest him,” says Jennifer. “He has the unique ability to obtain and retain information. My involvement with him and his family has been an amazing experience for me.”
This past year, due to COVID-19, Hans was experiencing anxieties surrounding school. Routine is very important to Hans, and the hybrid education model at his school was difficult for him at first. Jennifer worked directly with Hans to help him grow more confident about his new schedule. She encouraged the creation of a calendar, which helped him adapt to a new routine.
As seen through the video, Hans made the most of his school experience! Jennifer looks forward to seeing what Hans accomplishes next year.