January 7, 2021
Leanne Shares Her Perspectives in a Renowned Magazine
An individual we support is published by Autism Parenting Magazine.

Leanne Strong is an accomplished writer who has published six articles in Autism Parenting Magazine! Her work offers an insider’s perspective on topics that impact people with autism. Leanne’s most recent article, “Reporting vs Tattling: Teaching Kids With Autism When to Tell a Trusted Adult,” was featured in Autism Parenting Magazine’s latest issue.
Autism Parenting Magazine has been praised by author and advocate Temple Grandin for the quality of its articles. Past work from Leanne can be found on the Autism Parenting Magazine website and her current article is available for paid members.
Care Coordinator Julie Neal is grateful to support and empower Leanne through Person Centered Services. She is always available to connect Leanne to opportunities and resources in her community.
“Julie is very accessible and responsive,” says Leanne. “It’s been great working with her so far!”
Leanne is known for her creativity and her generous gift-giving. She is happily employed in the Rochester area and, in addition to writing, enjoys hiking and experiencing nature.
“Leanne is a thoughtful person and a pleasure to work with,” says Julie. “I was so excited to learn about her writing abilities!”
Congratulations to Leanne for sharing her perspectives in a renowned publication! We look forward to seeing future articles from her!