אונדזער יקספּיריאַנסט פירער זענען קאַמיטאַד צו ימפּאַוערינג אונדזער עמפּלוייז און צושטעלן הויך-קוואַליטעט דינסט.
יגזעקיאַטיוו מאַנשאַפֿט
Alicia Fellows – Chief Executive Officer
Alicia Fellows has a long history of working with individuals and agencies who serve people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She played a crucial role in designing and establishing the type of Care Coordination provided today by Person Centered Services. Alicia went on to lead Program Operations and ultimately serve as the company’s Chief Operating Officer. She now serves as Chief Executive Officer, providing leadership, direction, and strategic oversight of the organization as a whole. Alicia was previously Director of Care Coordination for PCSWNY, a non-profit set up in 2013 to prepare for the path to managed care. Before joining Person Centered Services, Alicia held various leadership roles in her 17-year tenure at Community Services for Every1, formerly Community Services for the Developmentally Disabled, serving as Care Coordination Administrator, Behavior Intervention Specialist and Specialized Case Management Program Coordinator. Alicia earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in legal studies and master’s degree in social work from the University at Buffalo. She sits on the Crisis Services for I/DD Advisory Board and on the OPWDD subcommittee of Erie County’s Community Services Board. She is also a board member for the nonprofit Sensational Fun and the Care Management Alliance of NY. Alicia is the proud parent to a child with autism. She resides in Hamburg, NY, with her husband and four children.
Colleen Gough oversees compliance, privacy, quality assurance/improvement, IT security and operations, the Electronic Medical Record and health record/legal issues related to individuals served. She also serves as the HIPAA Privacy Officer. She holds a B.A. in psychology from the honors program at St. Bonaventure University. While at St. Bonaventure Colleen worked for a year in two different ICFs serving children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Thereafter she earned a Juris Doctorate degree from the University at Buffalo School of Law with an additional certificate in Special Education. She is licensed to practice law in New York State. Prior to joining Person Centered Services in 2018 before “go live,” Colleen was the Compliance Officer and HIPAA Privacy Officer at a local not-for-profit agency serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Before that she practiced as an attorney, most recently in the areas of trust and guardianship law for the disabled. She is certified in Healthcare Compliance, Healthcare Privacy Compliance and Healthcare Privacy and Security. Colleen is a Board member, currently serving as Secretary, at the ECBA Volunteer Lawyers Project. She lives in Williamsville.
Rachel Martin – Chief Program Officer
Rachel Martin has over 15 years of experience working alongside people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and providers. Throughout her career, she has worked in Medicaid Service Coordination, Care Coordination, Day Habilitation, and Pre-Vocational Services. She has also worked closely with Health Homes and Self-Directed Services, and was part of the pilot and implementation process for Person Centered Services. She has co-chaired the DDAWNY Care Coordination (formerly Medicaid Service Coordination) Committee for over 10 years and has also worked for Parent Network as a provider/family/MSC trainer. She has served in various leadership roles at Person Centered Services since its first day in 2018. Rachel oversees the Care Coordination workforce, Intake and Enrollment, and Learning, Development and Diversity departments in her current role. Rachel also serves as the secretary of the Town of Amherst Committee on Disabilities. Rachel received her Bachelor’s Degrees in Sociology and Philosophy from Seton Hall University in New Jersey and lives in East Amherst, NY with her husband and two children.
Amy Peters – Chief Strategy Officer
Amy Peters האט דעקאַדעס פון דערפאַרונג אין דער אַנטוויקלונג, ימפּלאַמענטיישאַן און יוואַליויישאַן פון מגילה און סטראַטעגיעס. זי האט געדינט אין פאַרשידן פירערשאַפט ראָלעס אין פּערסאָנאַל סענטערד באַדינונגס זינט 2018. אַמי דיזיינד און צוגעשטעלט פאַרזע פֿאַר דער אָרגאַניזאַציע 'ס קליניש דעפּאַרטמענט, דעוועלאָפּינג אַגענטור-ברייט פּאַלאַסיז און פּראָוסידזשערז. איידער איר אַרבעט אין מענטש סענטערד באַדינונגס, זי געדינט ווי דירעקטאָר פון גייַסטיק געזונט פֿאַר באַטלער קאָונטי, פּעננסילוואַניאַ. אַמי האלט אַ באָכער ס 'דיגרי אין קאָמוניקאַציע דיסאָרדערס פון אַלט דאָמיניאָן אוניווערסיטעט, אַ מאַסטער 'ס גראַד אין קאַמיוניטי קאַונסלינג פון גליטשיק ראַק אוניווערסיטעט, און האט אנטייל אין אַ דאַקטעראַל פּראָגראַם (אַבד) אין קאַונסלינג בילדונג און השגחה דורך Duquesne אוניווערסיטעט. זי וואוינט אין ווילסאָן, ניו יאָרק מיט איר משפּחה.
James Poulos – Vice President & Chief Information and Security Officer
James Poulos is a results-oriented Information Technology executive with 18 years experience in planning, implementing, and supporting state-of-the-art technology solutions. He oversees data management and governance, information security, network infrastructure and operations, and application management. James is a HIPAA Security Officer who directs the development, implementation, monitoring, and communication of security policies and procedures. Before joining the Person Centered Services team, he provided IT leadership at Trocaire College and The Summit Center. He holds an MS in Executive Leadership and Change from Daemen University. James is dedicated to streamlining systems and data to ensure that staff can focus on what is most important — supporting the people they serve.
Kelly Lincoln – Chief People Officer
Kelly Lincoln oversees Finance, Human Resources, and Marketing. As one of the first team members hired at Person Centered Services when it launched in 2018, Kelly was instrumental in the formation of the organization. She is a hands-on leader, adept at juggling the competing priorities of multiple business units. She is passionate about organizational development, and how workplace culture impacts not only employees, but customers. She has a diverse professional background with experience in business management, care and services coordination, product and program development, marketing, organizational development, project management, and training. She has held leadership positions at both non-profit and for-profit organizations and enjoys bringing teams together to improve communication and process, for the benefit of the individuals we serve. Kelly earned her bachelor’s degree from St. Bonaventure University and her Master of Business Administration from the University of Buffalo. She lives in Buffalo with her husband and two children.
באָרד פון מאַנאַדזשערז
Douglas DiGesare, The Arc Erie County, Chair
Mindy Cervoni, Community Services for Every1, Vice Chair
Anne Spisiak, Beyond Support Network, Secretary
Martin Miskell, The Arc GLOW, Treasurer
Anne McCaffrey, People Inc.
David Calhoun, די אַרק וויין
Joseph Cevette, Pathways, Inc.
עלען קאָננעלי, מאָזאַיק
Donna Dedee, Holy Childhood
Renee Filip, Aspire of WNY
Salvatore Garozzo, The Arc Chemung-Schuyler
מאַריסאַ געיטנער, העריטאַגע קריסטלעך באַדינונגס
ד"ר סעאַנעל האַווקינס, שטאָטיש ליגע פון ראָטשעסטער
Mari Howard, ינטאַנדעם
Denise Jones, The Resource Center
Jeff Paterson, סאַסי
Tracy Petrichick, The Arc of Monroe