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يربط منسقو الرعاية لدينا الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقات الذهنية والتنموية بشبكة ضخمة من الموارد ويحيلونهم إليها. نحن نتأكد من حصول الأفراد والأسر على الدعم الذي يحتاجونه!
أثناء التنقل عبر عالم الأهلية والتسجيل المعقد ، نحن معك في كل خطوة على الطريق.
Scroll down to learn more about our Care Coordination and Health Home services!
ما هو تنسيق الرعاية؟
At the heart of Care Coordination are connections and referrals that provide positive outcomes. Person Center Centered Services’ Care Coordinators work continuously with individuals, families, community providers and organizations to make sure the people we serve are connected to the care, support and opportunities they need.
The duties of our Care Coordinators include:
– Monitoring circumstances and services during life transitions
– Coordinating access to medical, dental and behavioral services
– Keeping track of safety and residential needs
– Referring to community and social support services
– Creating a holistic Life Plan and adapting the plan as new goals and needs arise

What is a Health Home?
Person Centered Services is proud to serve as a Health Home, helping people with intellectual and developmental disabilities manage all of the care and services they require.
In a Health Home, you work closely with a specially-trained Care Coordinator who helps you better understand and manage your conditions. Your Care Coordinator partners with you to create a plan of care that meets all of your physical, mental health, and social service needs.
In a Health Home, your Care Coordinator can:
– Make appointments with your doctor or a specialist for you, and work with your providers to make sure you get the care you need.
– Help you understand your chronic health conditions and give you information to help manage problems like diabetes, asthma, or high blood pressure.
– Refer you to resources you need to stay healthy, from promoting weight loss and improved eating habits to addressing the challenges of alcoholism and substance abuse.
من هو المؤهل لتنسيق الرعاية؟
Individuals may be eligible for supports and services from New York State’s Office for People With Developmental Disabilities, and therefore eligible for Care Coordination and Health Home services. If eligibility is not yet granted, our Intake Specialists can help with the eligibility process. Care Coordinators support individuals with a qualifying condition.
ومن الأمثلة على الحالات المؤهلة: الإعاقة الذهنية، والشلل الدماغي، والصرع، والضعف العصبي، والتوحد، وعسر الهضم العائلي، ومتلازمة برادر ويلي.

تكرس خدمات مركز الشخص نفسها لتزويد كل فرد بالدعم المصمم خصيصا الذي يستحقه - مدى الحياة.
Our commitment includes:
✓ Comprehensive care – creating a “Life Plan”
✓ Care coordination and health promotion – monitoring all health-related services, safety needs and more
✓ Comprehensive transitional care – coordinating activities related to life circumstances
✓ Referrals of individuals to community and social support services
✓ Individual and family support – referrals of family to community services and promoting informed choices
✓ Use of sophisticated health information technology