六月 24, 2024
Engagement Series: NY ABLE Accounts
NY ABLE allows individuals with disabilities and their families to save for qualified disability related expenses, without limiting their ability to benefit from federal benefit programs such as SSI, SSDI

“NY ABLE: Helping Families & Individuals Pay for Medical & Living Expenses” was presented by Person Centered Services Community Relations Manager Kristi Moscato.
NY ABLE allows individuals with disabilities and their families to save for qualified disability related expenses, without limiting their ability to benefit from federal benefit programs such as SSI, SSDI and Medicaid. NY ABLE offers multiple investment options including a checking account and debit card option allowing individuals with disabilities to maintain their independence and have quick and easy access to their own money. Earnings on investments can grow tax-deferred and are tax-free if withdrawals are used for qualified disability expenses. This installment of the series was presented virtually 六月 20, 2024 from 6PM-7PM.
The Person Centered Services Engagement Series is a quarterly discussion to share vital information for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This series is geared towards people receiving Care Coordination, family and caregivers, and anyone else who would benefit from the information shared.
View the recording here or below. Download the presentation here.