A New Vehicle for Bob
A person we support was selected for a wheelchair-accessible van donation from West Herr Auto Group because of team member advocacy from Person Centered Services.
קרא עודA person we support was selected for a wheelchair-accessible van donation from West Herr Auto Group because of team member advocacy from Person Centered Services.
קרא עודPerson Centered Services will be presenting on Care Coordination as part of the “Diverse Abilities Dialogues” series on פברואר 4, 2025 at 11AM at the Webster Public Library (980 Ridge
קרא עודView a recording of a live webinar for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and professionals in the community concerning multiple diagnoses.
קרא עודThis free webinar is for the parents/caregivers of children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities ages 5-22.
קרא עודIn this workshop, we will discuss the definition of bullying, different types of bullying, how to recognize the warning signs and what YOU can do to help!
קרא עודWe will discuss how the Supported Decision Making Agreement can be a less restrictive and empowering alternative to guardianship.
קרא עודIn this webinar, we will discuss skills for effective advocacy, how you can make a difference and how to teach your child to advocate for themselves.
קרא עודYou will hear an overview of ACCES-VR, including the description of Pre-Employment Transition Services, available for students with disabilities ages 14 and up.
קרא עודWatch a webinar on the referral process for people with preexisting knowledge of Care Coordination and the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).
קרא עודWatch this free webinar on Health Home Care Coordination tailored to Special Education professionals.
קרא עוד